Products that take care of
your plants
The profitability of an agricultural exploitation is increasingly associated to the efficiency in the use of resources.That is why a correct choice of them will help us achieve the objective set. It is not about using the more expensive it is about using the most suitable for our plantation.
The profitability of an agricultural exploitation is more associated to the efficiency in the use of the resources and one of them are the fertilizers. Is for them a correct election of them will help us to achieve the goal set. Is not about using the most expensive, it’s about using the most adequate for our plantation.
Essential nutrients for plants are elements that are found in different proportions in soils and that these need for a proper growth. The lack of nutrients in our plants have a variety of consequences: from the yellow of the leaves, less production of flowers and fruits, less growth ...
Crop protection
The most important function of the greenhouse cover is the protection of the crop against meteorological conditions and against pests and diseases. Once inside we will use organic protection products to face the problems that farmers face when controlling the main insect pests that affect production.
Hydroponic substrates
The use of hydroponic substrates such as perlite or coconut fiber to cultivate instead of agricultural soil is reaching a great boom in countries where conditions for agriculture are more adverse. The roots receive a balanced nutritional solution with all the chemical elements necessary for the development of the plants.
Irrigation system
The automatic irrigation systems are indispensable to improve the performance of the agricultural exploitation thanks to optimizing the consumption of water and nutrients, energy costs and improving crop production.
Refrigeration system
Using an automated system we control the weather conditions inside the greenhouse, these automation systems will help to have higher quality crops, as well as to protect its structure, in addition to helping to reduce the risk of human error.
Climate control and monitoring
These systems permit us to control and monitor through high precision sensors fundamental data to optimize the productive process of the agricultural exploitations having more importance those countries were the climatic variable is more remarkable.
Biologic control
The biologic control is an innovative tool that represents a change in the actual productive model capable to adapt to the needs of the modern farmer and confront the greenhouse problems. It is economic and profitable: the plant remains healthy, it is more productive and the production loss is reduced.